Videos, videos, videos. Scroll through your social feeds or browse the internet, and chances are, you’ll be eyeball-to-eyeball with some kind of video content trying to grab your attention.

As we dive into 2024, one thing is clear: video marketing is THE move to dominate the digital landscape.

Read on to learn why video marketing is poised to dominate in the new year.

The Acceleration of Video Marketing

Recent statistics paint a vivid picture of what’s coming down the pike for online video. Video is expected to make up more than 82% of all internet traffic by 2025.

As video takes up more bandwidth, it is also taking on more importance for marketers.

Video has become an essential part of the buyer’s journey.

Ninety percent of customers say that product videos help them make a buying decision, as it gives them a clear understanding of what they are buying from the brand and whether the product or service is worth purchasing.

Video builds trust and connection as customers get to see products in action and hear directly from company representatives.

Additionally, 96% of people turn to videos to learn more about a product or service when shopping online.

Product demos, customer testimonials, explainer videos, and how-to tutorials are extremely effective in influencing purchase intent.

Viewers get dynamic visual information as opposed to static images or text descriptions.

As these statistics demonstrate, video marketing is only going to become more influential moving forward.

Companies that embrace online video stand to gain an advantage over competitors.

Investing in high-quality and targeted video content is critical for reaching and converting modern buyers.

What’s Driving This Explosion in Video Adoption?

Video content is surging across digital platforms. But what factors are propelling this rapid adoption? There are a few key trends pushing video into the spotlight:

  • The rise of social media platforms and features supporting video content, such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.
  • 5G connectivity has made loading and streaming video a smooth, quick experience on mobile devices.
  • Video has proven to be the most engaging, memorable format for audiences compared to static alternatives.

Key Video Marketing Tactics for 2024

Now that we’ve covered why video needs to be central in 2024 marketing plans, here are some of the top video marketing strategies to focus on:

Short-Form Mobile Video

Short-form video content optimized for mobile consumption will lead the way.

From TikTok to Instagram Reels to YouTube Shorts, aim to keep social video shares under 2 minutes.

And create both vertical and horizontal versions to maximize visibility on different platforms.

Read also: Which is Better: Short-Form vs. Long-Form Video Content?

Diversify Video Content

Try to produce several different types of videos, such as TV-style commercials, short social videos, explainer and how-to videos, product demos, customer testimonials, and more.

Having a diverse video content library allows you to use video for different marketing objectives.

Test and Analyze Performance

Experiment with different types of videos and analyze how each performs and resonates with your audiences.

Track metrics like view count, clicks, conversions, and more to guide video strategy, improving results over time.

Optimize for Algorithms

Stay up-to-date on algorithm changes for the social platforms where you focus video efforts.

Tailor video content and formatting to improve visibility and prevent your video posts from getting lost among the platform’s content.

Be Strategic

With limitless competition, be selective in allocating video production time and budget. For paid video ads, define budgets and test performance to assign spend where video drives real impact.

Read also: Incorporating Video into your Digital Marketing Strategy

Embracing Video Marketing in 2024

The meteoric rise of video is only accelerating as we enter 2024. Brands that prioritize visual content creation now will have a distinctive competitive edge with consumers in the coming year.

To explore how video can drive results for your business, contact our team of expert video production specialists based in Lafayette, LA, for a free consultation.

Our locally-based video production team has years of experience shooting high-quality short and long-form videos optimized for lead generation and sales.

We’ll review your strategic needs, existing creative assets, and budget to craft a custom video marketing solution.

Contact us today. We can’t wait to help visualize your 2024 campaigns with powerful video marketing that converts viewers into loyal customers.

Contact Us Today!