SEO is something every company with a website needs. While it is indeed something you can learn to do yourself, there are many benefits to hiring an SEO company to take on this task for you.

Below are 6 of the many reasons you hire a local SEO company, such as Klout 9, for your Search Engine Optimization needs. 

Hiring a Local Company Supports the Local Economy

Your local business could use some local support! When you hire a top-rated Lafayette SEO company, you direct your funds back into your community. As a Lafayette-based company, Klout 9’s team members all live in the general area.

Their kids go to local schools and the dogs walk in local parks. Klout 9’s team members understand the dynamic of south Louisiana and can better understand the needs of your business in order to tailor your services to you as opposed to a national company that may try to sell you on the top services that they offer while none of your money stays in the community.

When you support a Lafayette business, you support Lafayette jobs.

You Will Save Time

Are you doing SEO for your business? If you are, then you’ve probably thought that there are plenty of other tasks that you need to knock off your list.

When you partner with Klout 9, you also get peace of mind in knowing that you can focus your efforts on other areas that can directly impact the profits of your business instead of learning and implementing a search engine optimization plan that may ultimately fail.

The experts at Klout 9 know what to do and how to do it in order to increase efficiency and maximize your business potential without costing you valuable time which could be spent on other aspects of your business.

We are the SEO Experts

The goal of SEO is to make Google and other search engines understand when we want our website shown to the customer seeking out information.

We Adjust Our SEO Practices with Technological Changes

Because the Klout 9 staff are experts in this field, we stay up to date on technological changes affecting SEO practices.

Staying up to date on current SEO practices is vital to maximizing the results that you are expecting for your business page.

Google and other search engines change their algorithms that determine search result page placements several times a day!

There are also major updates throughout the year that can knock you off the map if you are not prepared for them. Staying on top of technical elements alone can be a full-time job. 

Our Additional Services Can Compliment SEO 

While SEO is important, it is not the “end all, be all” for search engine marketing. There are numerous other tactics that can be useful, and even vital, to increase the revenue of your business.

Some services that Klout 9 offers to complement SEO are Local Search Marketing, Pay Per Click, and Retargeting which includes both video and display ads across the Google network to both previous website visitors and intent custom audiences.

Having all of your digital elements working together is a much better overall strategy for growth. 

Your Chances of Getting Blacklisted are Minimized

Black hat tactics can include keyword stuffing, including false backlinks, and page jacking. Page jacking means that pages of high-performing websites are cloned, then integrated into your own website.

These practices will get your page blacklisted by Google and you will lose a vast majority of your traffic.

Since your business does not cut corners, your SEO shouldn’t either.

Hiring SEO professionals will minimize the chances of your site getting Blacklisted by Google and maximize your site presence on the web.

Get in touch!

We live in an online world that changes at a fast pace and your business needs a team of experts who can implement SEO tactics that will work today AND tomorrow.

Once you decide that a top-rated Lafayette-based SEO company is right for your business, then don’t hesitate! Contact us to maximize your business potential today!