From a small, local business trying to increase its digital presence online, to the top marketing agencies in the country — a key factor in the growth of your business and marketing is staying consistent with everything you put forth. The top marketing agencies will always agree that in order to stay relevant on social media, consistency is key. Digital marketing is an incredibly vital component to the success of any business, whether small or large, and as time goes on, many businesses are increasing their social presence online with Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. Marketing agencies are known to boast consistency and push it forward in any circumstance possible. Staying consistent is synonymous with staying on brand in the world of marketing and there are many simple ways to stay consistent on social media.
Consistency is all about finding what works best for your business as a whole. Facebook is a great social media platform to use when promoting your business, but there’s always been confusion on how often to post. Two posts per day may lead to overwhelming your audience, while two posts per week may lead to not generating enough brand awareness. At the small business level, a good rule of thumb to follow is posting 3 times per week. This gives your audience content to engage with, as well as potential customers the opportunity to learn about your business. Be sure to take notice of post length as well. Does your audience engage well with one-liners, puns, or phrases? Or do they rather longer posts where explanations are given, fun facts are elaborated on, etc. When searching for what works best, don’t be afraid to mix up your content in the beginning. Consistency does not ban you from trying new things, but just make sure you’re staying on brand. A final tip is to make sure that what you’re posting on Facebook excites, informs, or interests your audience. Content works best when there is reasoning behind it.
For the sake of your business and the growth you seek, it’s important to stay consistent across all social media platforms. There are a variety of factors to take in when creating and implementing content, so find what works best for you and run with it!
Brand Focus: Almost all big brands, including Starbucks and Best Buy, post on their Facebook page 3-4 times per week on average. Some brands take a different approach, however. BMW usually posts 2-3 times per day while Pepsi posts an average of 3 times per month. It’s important to note that brands such as Pepsi may derive more sales from commercials over social media.