Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world – so YES video is 100% important to your Search Engine Optimization strategy.

There are three ways to receive information online: text, images & video content. We cannot forget that google and other search engines are providing a service to their customers. They must continue to provide the most relevant information to searchers in order to not lose out to other search engines.

After all, this is the sole reason SEO exists – to let search engines know who we are, what we do, and when to show our content.

Google and other search engines assess the relevance of your web page by viewing all three of the forms of online content: text, images and video.

By having all three, you show search engines that you are catering to everyone’s preference of receiving information. This alone will give you an advantage over others who do not include video content – because remember, google wants to please their customer (searchers)!

Three tips for your video content strategy:

Upload videos to your website

We live in a world that overloads you with information constantly. Help your customers out and make it easier for them to take in the information you have to offer. Videos are simply easier to consume than text.

Upload your video to YouTube and/or Vimeo and embed the video only where it makes sense to do so. Try to surround the video with other relevant copy and imagery.

People will also spend twice as long on a page with a video than one without. On page time and bounce rates are taken into consideration for rankings.

If people spend more time on your site, it shows search engines that your information was valuable, and you will rank higher for the keywords that got them there.

Educate, Educate, Educate!

Don’t create videos to just have videos. Make sure there is a purpose for your video and let it educate your customers. Take your frequently asked questions page and make a video for each item. Create credibility by being the information source for your industry.

Don’t forget about the technical side

When uploading your video content, don’t forget to enter the right information on the back end so search engine crawlers know what your video is about and when it should be deemed relevant to their customers.

YouTube uses the following information when ranking videos: title tags, keywords in descriptions, video length, tags, subscriber stats & other options.

Make sure not to leave those fields blank when uploading your video and encourage people to like and subscribe to your channel or you will have to work twice as hard on those rankings.

If you don’t currently have a video marketing strategy or would like to improve your current one, Klout9 has an amazing videography team that produces quality work at an excellent cost. Contact us for more information.